Aftertrying No such device or address E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returnedan error code (2) David Foerster 4,96971630. normally if you get this error Sub-process /usr / bin / dpkg returned an error code (1) isthat there are conflicting files are ie xrepeated or something like.I received this error after trying to download the icedtea plugin. Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) You are tryingto install a new package that contains Source: /wiki/Cydia_Errors.Ĭydia Sub Process Usr Bin Dpkg Returned AnError Code 1Ģ. of 2 - cydia sub-process/usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) - posted in Help & Support: Hey guys, so im getting thiserror everytime im installing.
Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1).Something.(fd) (7, ret = -1) Sub-process / usr / bin / dpkg returned an error code (1) (Can be storage spaceon the device itself or the partition does cydia or both). How do Ifix sub-process / usr / bin / dpkg returned an error code (1) for Cydia charging cydia wants toremove pangu jailbreak and i get this error. Tandt Plays How can I get IFile if my Cydia isn't. Cydia Sub Process Usr Bin Dpkg ReturnedAn Error Code 1How to fix the dpkg error on cydia.